Sunday, August 7, 2011

Individu With Positive Self-concept Will Tend to Lead

Ismail (2001), explains that the concept of our self is a crucial factor in interpersonal relationships, because each person will behave in accordance with the concept itself. This means that if a person's self concept is positive, then the individual will tend to develop attitudes postitif about himself, such as good self-confidence and the ability to see and assess themselves positively. Inividu with positive self-concept will tend to lead to good behavior adjustments to the social environment.
Conversely, if someone has a negative self-concept, then that individual will tend to develop feelings of inadequacy and inferiority, doubt, and lack of confidence. Individuals with negative self-concept will have difficulty in adjusting to the social environment.
Brooks and Emmert (in Grace, 1996), reveals that there are differences in the characteristics of a person with
positive self-concept and a person with a negative self concept.
Such differences can be demonstrated by several indicators of:
A. People with positive self-concept, can be seen if they:
(1) Convinced of the ability to solve problems;
(2) Feeling equivalent or equal to others;
(3) Accepting compliments without embarrassment;
(4) Realize that each person have the variety of feelings, desires, and behavior that is not fully accepted by society;
(5) Have the ability to improve yourself;
(6) Having the ability to reveal aspects that are not liked and tried to change it.
B. People with a negative self concept, can be seen if they:
(1) Sensitive to criticism, but in perception as the efforts of others to drop his self-esteem;
(2) Tends to avoid open dialogue;
(3) Always maintains a variety of faulty logic;
(4) It is respect for the praise directed at him and all the attribute or appendage that support self-esteem becomes the center of attention;
(5) Has a tendency to be hiperkritis towards others;
(6) Rare never even expressed appreciation or recognition of the strengths of others;
(7) Feeling irritable, tend to complain and belittle others;
(8) Feeling unwelcome and not be noticed by many, because that tends to react to create enmity;
(9) Do not want to blame themselves, but always regarded himself as the victim of a social system that is not true;
(10) Pessimistic about everything that is competitive, reluctant to compete and excel, as well as the powerless against the adverse competition itself. Based on the above view, it can be concluded that individuals with positive self-concept, tend to develop attitudes postitif about himself, and vice versa inividu with negative self-concept, then that individual will tend to develop values ​​or negative views about any conditions or system existing social order.
Self-concept owned by someone, either poistif or negatively affect the way that individual judgments about themselves and the environment because it will greatly affect its behavior. Individuals will tend to behave in accordance with the concept of self-owned.


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